🎰 Compiling SQLCipher on Windows and Linux

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Zetetic does not provide a dynamic library installer for users. Therefore, a static library is a great choice to deliver.


OpenSSL headers are required. You can install it via the C++ Library Manager from Microsoft: vcpkg. vcpkg could be installed anywhere.

PS> .\vcpkg install openssl:x64-windows-static
PS> .\vcpkg install openssl:x86-windows-static

The most convenient way to let the SQLCipher compiler find these headers is to move vcpkg’s openssl install dir to the root of SQLCipher.

Now open Makefile.msc in a text editor and replace the lines:

# Flags controlling use of the in memory btree implementation
# SQLITE_TEMP_STORE is 0 to force temporary tables to be in a file, 1 to
# default to file, 2 to default to memory, and 3 to force temporary
# tables to always be in memory.

by the following:

# Flags controlling use of the in memory btree implementation
# SQLITE_TEMP_STORE is 0 to force temporary tables to be in a file, 1 to
# default to file, 2 to default to memory, and 3 to force temporary
# tables to always be in memory.


!IF "$(PLATFORM)"=="x64"
TCC = $(TCC) -I"openssl-windows_x64-windows-static\include"
RCC = $(RCC) -I"openssl-windows_x64-windows-static\include"
!ELSEIF "$(PLATFORM)"=="x86"
TCC = $(TCC) -I"openssl-windows_x86-windows-static\include"
RCC = $(RCC) -I"openssl-windows_x86-windows-static\include"

!IF "$(PLATFORM)"=="x64"
LTLIBPATHS = $(LTLIBPATHS) /LIBPATH:"openssl-windows_x64-windows-static\lib"
LTLIBS = $(LTLIBS) libcrypto.lib libssl.lib
!ELSEIF "$(PLATFORM)"=="x86"
LTLIBPATHS = $(LTLIBPATHS) /LIBPATH:"openssl-windows_x86-windows-static\lib"
LTLIBS = $(LTLIBS) libcrypto32.lib libssl32.lib

# for OpenSSL: https://github.com/openssl/openssl/blob/3d362f190306b62a17aa2fd475b2bc8b3faa8142/NOTES.WIN#L112
LTLIBS = $(LTLIBS) WS2_32.Lib Gdi32.Lib AdvAPI32.Lib Crypt32.Lib User32.Lib

Finally, run nmake /f Makefile.msc command, and sqlcipher.dll will be generated.


Make sure OpenSSL headers are installed on your workstation. Using package managers is a great choice.


./configure --enable-tempstore=yes LDFLAGS="-lcrypto"

Then, call the make tool


libsqlite3.so (instead of libsqlcipher.so) will be generated.

Compiling on macOS seems to follow the same routine save that a .dylib file substitutes the .so file.